Connecting with Inner Energy: The Journey of Spiritual Awakening with Alba


Through the exploration of energy and the awakening of Kundalini, Alba has developed a unique connection that has led her not only to discover her true self but also to guide others in their own healing and self-discovery processes.

In this interview, we delve into her views on consciousness, self-care, and self-love, and explore practices that can change the way we live and connect with ourselves. We will discover a path to reconnect with our essence, release emotional blockages, and find inner peace.


Interview with Alba @yogawildtribe by David A.




How did you discover your connection with energies, and how has this sensitivity influenced your spiritual evolution and personal well-being?

Since I was a child, I have always felt a special sensitivity to energies and people. Somehow, I have always been able to see beyond what most perceive. As I grew up, I realized that this ability was not something common and started to investigate more deeply about cosmic energies and chakras.

I had heard of these concepts but always thought they were superficial or mystical ideas. However, I discovered that all of that went far beyond what I had imagined. The most important revelation came when a friend gave me a Kundalini awakening session. It was an experience that made me realize that, in some way, I had been working with that energy since I was little, although unknowingly.

From there, I decided to train and delve deeper into this knowledge. This process led to a profound change, not only in my way of seeing the world but also in my self-care. It has been a crucial part of my spiritual evolution, a transformation that impacted not only my physical well-being but also my self-awareness. I have learned to listen to my body and respect what it truly needs at every moment.

The most important  came in (…) a Kundalini awakening session

Alba is an ambassador of oléyoga. Get your 15% discount with the code: YOGAWILDTRIBE


What do you mean when you talk about seeing beyond?

It’s a delicate topic. When you are open to other energies and are a highly sensitive person, like me, it’s easy to pick up on the feelings of those around you. It’s hard to explain, but I perceive it. Sometimes I can even feel if they had a difficult childhood or are going through some kind of problem in their life.

This ability has allowed me to help many people heal emotionally, even issues they weren't aware of. Through the awakening of Kundalini energy and other energies, I have been able to guide many people toward their healing.


When did you discover that you had this ability to connect with intuition in such a genuine way? When did you become aware of it?

I became aware of this ability relatively recently. Before, I didn’t have the necessary maturity to understand it or put a name to it. However, it’s something that has happened to me since I was a child.

I can sense when someone has an emotional blockage, and if I feel the necessary trust, I try to investigate to help them identify it and guide them. It’s a delicate topic because I don’t usually talk about it openly; people can be very skeptical, and I understand that. We live in a society where many people wear an emotional "mask," a role they play in their daily lives.

In retreats, especially in women’s groups, we work in a warm and familiar environment where we can start to recognize ourselves first and then accept ourselves. That acceptance is the first step toward personal evolution. We are always in constant change; there is no final destination. Life is a path that requires us to keep walking, both in difficult and beautiful moments.

We are always in constant change; there is no final destination

Follow Alba at @yogawildtribe


What does connecting with consciousness mean to you? How do you help people expand their consciousness in your retreats?

It’s a complex question because connecting with consciousness is not easy to explain. I always start from the idea that to live consciously, the most important thing is to have a solid foundation of who you are. It’s not about reaching a high level of consciousness immediately, but about knowing yourself deeply. In the end, the true purpose of life is to discover who you are and why you are here, beyond having a job or a house.

In the retreats, I focus first on identifying the blockages that prevent people from connecting with their true essence. Feelings like stress, for example, disconnect us from ourselves and keep us trapped in a kind of mental routine. I always tell the participants that to fill themselves with love and consciousness, they first have to empty themselves of pain. When you achieve that, you start to see yourself and the world around you in a completely different way.

To fill yourself with love and consciousness, you first have to empty yourself of pain


What practices do you recommend for people to achieve a deeper connection with their essence?

One of the most powerful practices is the simple act of looking into each other’s eyes. At first, it’s uncomfortable. We are not used to looking at people so directly. Often we avoid that gaze because we fear that the other person will see what we really feel: sadness, fatigue, worry. But when they overcome that barrier, something changes. They realize that, deep down, we all share the same emotions, the same struggles. The masks fall, and they begin to connect on a deeper level.

When they look into each other’s eyes, they are somehow looking into the other person’s soul, and that deep connection allows them to release emotions that they may have been holding onto for a long time. I have seen many people in my retreats cry simply by looking into each other’s eyes, without saying a word. It’s a moment of release, where they feel the support of others, the strength of sisterhood. That gaze helps them recognize themselves, empower themselves, and, above all, begin to heal.

Deep down, we all share the same emotions, the same struggles


And what do you hope people take away from your retreats? What is your ultimate goal with these practices?

I don’t expect anything in particular. I simply want people to feel like themselves, to heal, to feel at peace and empowered. We can’t handle everything in life, but we can handle what is happening to us at that moment. What interests me is for each person to realize that they can make decisions and that everything passes. My purpose is to help them take that step, change their life, and be happier. In the end, it’s all about finding that inner peace.


Discover Alba’s retreats at @yogawildtribe



What practices would you recommend to those looking to advance on their path to self-love and self-care?

Verbalize what you feel. If you don’t feel comfortable talking to someone else—because you think what is happening to you is unique—try expressing it in some way, even if it’s talking to yourself.

In yoga, we call it “Purusha,” the conscious principle or pure consciousness. You can talk to a close person—like your partner or a friend—but it can also be something as simple as an object, even a plant. The act of expressing what you feel, even to a plant, has a liberating power. In the end, you are not talking to the plant; you are talking to yourself, and that helps you release the emotions you carry inside.

Often, we hold back feelings that we don’t express, which creates an internal frustration that prevents us from moving forward. The key is in acceptance because only when you accept yourself can you move towards self-love.


What legacy would you like to leave through your work, and how would you like to help the people reading this interview?

I want people to stop and reflect and listen to themselves. We live in a society that pushes us to go fast, to compete, to never stop, and that disconnects us from who we are. If there’s one thing I want to convey, it’s that we must listen to ourselves, pause, and give ourselves the space to understand what we truly need.




Throughout this interview, Alba has guided us through the delicate and transformative path of spiritual awakening and connecting with our inner energy. She invites us to pause, listen to ourselves, and give ourselves the necessary space to recognize our emotions, heal our blockages, and reconnect with our essence.

Her focus on consciousness and self-awareness invites us to look beyond the superficial and connect with our most authentic essence. Alba leaves us with a powerful lesson: in every step we take, in every change we face, we always have the opportunity to find peace, self-love, and balance.

Thank you, Alba, @yogawildtribe, for sharing your journey and inspiring us to transform our lives from within