Art, Yoga, and Activism – A Path to Spiritual Revolution

In the search for leaders who embody a profound commitment to social justice, spirituality, and environmental preservation, María Laín stands out as a prominent figure. With a journey that spans from the practice of yoga to climate activism, María has positioned herself as an influential voice in the realm of wellness and social awareness.

In this interview, we explore her spiritual journey and commitment to art and climate justice. Through her words, María invites us to reflect on the importance of connecting with ourselves, with others, and with the planet. Her inspiring and transformative vision exemplifies what it means to live with purpose and compassion.


Interview with María Laín   @arimalain by David A.


Namasté, María. It’s a pleasure to have you here today. We would love to learn more about your spiritual journey and your commitment to the environment. How did your search for spirituality begin, and how has it evolved over the years?

My spiritual journey began very early, ever since I can remember. A moment I recall vividly happened when I was about six or seven years old. I had just gotten out of the shower, looked at myself in the mirror, and, staring directly into my eyes, repeatedly asked myself, "Who am I?". In an instant, I felt my consciousness detach from my body, and I realized that I was not just this physical body, but there was something more, a transcendental consciousness, a soul. That experience marked the beginning of a life lived with a vision of transcendence.

Since then, I have been in a constant search for the meaning of life and the nature of existence. During my teenage years, I developed a deep interest in philosophy, art, and nature, which led me to a deeper connection with life and the universe. At the age of 19, I found a new spiritual path through Christianity, an experience of love so intense that it deeply rooted me in those values.

Later on, I reconnected with yoga, specifically with Jivamukti Yoga. This practice not only reinforced my spirituality but also helped me integrate these principles into my daily life and my commitment to social justice. Jivamukti Yoga allowed me to merge my Christian spirituality with a broader vision of cosmic consciousness, supporting my mission to contribute to a more just and compassionate world.

"Who am I? {...} I realized that I was not just this physical body, but there was something more, a transcendental consciousness, a soul."

*María Laín is an ambassador of oléyoga.  Get your 15% discount with the code: "MARIALAIN"

What experiences influenced your interest in environmental activism? 

Since I was a child, I have always had a deep connection with nature. My parents always supported my interest in the environment and social causes. Our house was filled with plants and rescued animals. One day, I saw an advertisement about children in Africa who needed help, and I felt the need to donate. Together, with my small savings and their support, we made the donation.

These experiences not only reinforced my connection with nature but also instilled in me a deep sense of responsibility towards the environment and others. I learned that every small action can make a big difference and that it is our duty to take care of our planet and those who inhabit it. This sense of responsibility has guided my life and my commitment to social and environmental justice.


What actions do you think we can take in our daily lives to address the climate crisis?

Voting and participating in politics are essential, but doing politics is also deciding how you live, what you buy, what you consume, and then how you use your resources. Every small action counts, from how we manage energy to our choices in food and clothing. It is crucial to remain engaged with the society and environment we live in, making decisions that reflect our commitment to others and the planet.

"Every small action can make a big difference, and it is our duty to take care of both our planet and those who inhabit it" 

Artistic expression is part of your personality. What role does art play in your life, and how does it inspire you in your personal and life path?

Art has always been my refuge, a space where I can be authentic and connect with the most essential part of my soul. Since I was a child, I have been surrounded by artistic influences in my family, and through art, I have found a way to approach truth, beauty, and goodness. It is a way to express what I carry inside and fills me with fullness and joy. You don’t have to be a professional artist; any form of creativity, whether writing, dancing, or simply appreciating beauty, is a path to connect with our inner essence.

"Any form of creativity {...} is a path to connect with our inner essence."

*Discover more at  @marialainart

How have philosophy and love influenced your search for life's purpose?

Life’s purpose is not something you find by chance; you discover it through the experience of full love. This experience helps you question the purpose of your life and your place in the world.

In my case, when I experienced unconditional love and union with everything, which is the essence of non-duality, I understood that my purpose is to live in that love, to feel it and share it. From that understanding, you make decisions about how you want to live and what you want to invest your time and energy in.

The purpose of life is to live in love and in communion with everything: with yourself, with God, and with others. From there, you can develop and contribute according to your qualities and talents in any area of life. The essence is always the same: to be in harmony and connection with everything around you.

The purpose of life is to live in love and in communion with everything: with yourself, with God, and with others. 

Such an inspiring message. Who have been your greatest mentors, and how have they influenced your way of being, thinking, and acting?

There are two people who have had a very special influence on my life. The first is my grandmother, Rosalía. I got to know her more deeply when I was 15 years old and realized that she possessed something extraordinary. Being close to her was like entering a world of energy, love, and warmth. Her ability to live in love so naturally profoundly marked me and inspired me to follow that path in my own life.

The second person is a very important friend who helped me discover and understand the depth of the love I can feel for another person. This experience transformed me and showed me a new level of connection and affection towards others.

Additionally, I believe that all the people and experiences we go through in life are teachers who teach us and help us see more clearly. Every interaction and every relationship offers us the opportunity to learn and grow.

 "All the people and experiences we go through in life are teachers who teach us and help us see more clearly."

We’ve talked about philosophy and values. What message would you like to leave for the new generations who want to get involved in environmental activism?

Every life is very important and valuable, and we can do something beautiful with it. We can dedicate ourselves to the service of good, starting by loving ourselves. By recognizing our own value, we open up to the ability to love others and extend that good towards the planet and nature.

Activism should be an expression of joy and a sincere desire to do good. Although activism involves facing problems and conflicts, it is also a source of joy and unity because you are doing something positive for everyone.

"Activism should be an expression of joy and the sincere desire to do good."

To conclude, how do you think the search for spirituality can contribute to our struggles, whether for social justice or against climate change?

Spirituality provides a solid foundation, a constant presence, and a resilience that drives you and keeps you steadfast on your path. It is the driving force behind your struggle.

Knowing what my ultimate goal is, which is good, that union, allows me to live climate and social awareness from a serenity that helps me act without despair, always maintaining a positive attitude. The struggle must be from joy and peace, with consistency and firmness, and above all, from the heart.

"The struggle must be from joy and peace, with consistency and firmness, and above all, from the heart."




María harmoniously combines her spirituality, passion for art, and commitment to climate justice. Her message of love, unity, and action invites us to be part of a positive change, embracing joy and compassion in every aspect of our lives.

Through her yoga practice and love for art, she delicately and passionately shows us how to live in harmony with ourselves, with others, and with nature to contribute to a more just and compassionate world.

Thank you, María,  @arimalain for your inspiration and generosity, and thanks to Numen Yoga   @numenyoga  for your wonderful yoga space.