Discovering the Power of Yoga: An Interview with Laura Boully


In the dynamic and spiritual world of yoga, Laura Boully emerges as a luminous guide and dedicated teacher. Her journey began as a quest for revitalization after years dedicated to motherhood and has evolved into a life mission: helping others find their physical and emotional balance and well-being. Laura has fused the physical, energetic, and spiritual aspects of yoga, creating a holistic practice that invites everyone, regardless of age or physical condition, to discover their inner potential.

In this interview, Laura shares an inspiring and moving journey, telling us how she found an inexhaustible source of energy and peace in yoga. Keep reading to explore how her teachings, centered on the energetic body, are helping many people live more consciously and fully, and can help you transform your own reality.


Interview with Laura Boully @yogaimpacto by David A.



Namasté, Laura. Thank you so much for joining us today. I'd like to start with some questions about your background. What inspired you to begin your yoga practice?

The truth is that yoga found me; it wasn’t something I was looking for. After five years devoted exclusively to motherhood, I felt very physically exhausted. In search of physical practice to recover, I arrived at a room and saw a man practicing an activity that I found magnetic.

I had never heard of yoga nor knew what he was doing, but I was deeply attracted. I fell in love with his practice from afar and started attending his classes. It turned out to be Hatha yoga, and that’s how it all began for me. I fell in love immediately.


 Laura Boully is an ambassador of oléyoga. Get your 15% discount with the code: "YOGAIMPACTO"


And was there any decisive moment that pushed you to continue practicing yoga?

Yes, I came from those five years of motherhood, and I was very physically worn out. When I started practicing yoga, my vital energy reappeared; it was like magic. I felt captivated by reconnecting with my power, my strength, through physical practice. My body responded wonderfully.

Another thing I noticed almost immediately was that I regulated my sleep habits. I started going to bed earlier and waking up earlier, no longer feeling tired when I woke up but full of energy. These were decisive changes for me, and I felt that I wanted to keep receiving these physical benefits.

When I started practicing yoga, my vital energy reappeared

That's a great feeling. Throughout your practice and experience, have you faced challenges? How have you overcome them through yoga?

The challenges basically started when I began teaching yoga. I had to overcome a lot of my fears, especially stage fright. I would prepare my sequence, write it down, and bring it on a piece of paper that gave me security, but in the end, I always ended up doing something else. It was very challenging, but thanks to continuing and not letting myself be defeated by fear and initial failures, I managed to overcome them.


After these years of experience as a yoga teacher, how would you describe your teaching style and how has it evolved over time?

I started practicing Hatha yoga for six years before deciding to train as an instructor. I was very attracted to the energetic body, chakras, and koshas. My practice now includes pranayama at the beginning, asanas, and ends with relaxation that may include visualization or meditation.

I use essential oils like lavender because they are closely related to our vibrational frequency and act quickly to our benefit. In my classes, I often apply lavender to my students during relaxation to enrich their yoga experience and connection with their bodies and nature.


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Could you share any transformative experience you’ve had with yoga practice?

Initially, I noticed the physical benefits, but then it transformed me mentally and emotionally. Yoga made me aware of my fears and lack of personal security, helping me work on them. I discovered that we are more energy than matter and how our mental patterns affect our energetic field. This understanding has been fundamental in my life and teaching.

I discovered that we are more energy than matter 

Let's talk about inclusive yoga. How important is it for you to include older people or those with physical limitations in yoga practice?

One of the biggest challenges is that a very heterogeneous group of people can come to a yoga class. Adapting a class so that everyone feels comfortable and can participate is quite challenging. In some of my classes, people with limited mobility would come, unable to perform certain postures, and I saw how uncomfortable they felt. This led me to adapt my classes for them, creating chair yoga sessions for older adults or people with injuries.

This way, they can keep moving and enjoying the benefits of yoga without feeling uncomfortable or incapable. Anything that makes yoga more accessible to anyone, regardless of age or physical condition, is included in my approach. My goal is to spread the teaching of yoga to everyone, so they can all benefit from this transformative practice.


Follow Laura at @yogaimpacto


Thank you for sharing. Tell us about your retreats and the Yoga Impacto project. What do you hope to convey through them?

Yoga Impacto arose from a dream, literally. Regarding the retreats, they were born as a way to share more intensive classes and workshops that I couldn’t include in regular sessions. The retreats allow me to delve into the energetic body and yoga philosophy, offering participants a more immersive experience.

Additionally, I produce accessories like zafus for meditation, designed with the aging body and the specific needs of my students in mind. My goal is for my students to take away a comprehensive understanding of yoga, going beyond the physical to encompass the mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects. I want them to understand and feel that yoga is a powerful tool for holistic life transformation.

Yoga is a powerful tool for transforming lives

Before we finish, tell us about the Dana yoga studio. What does this place mean to you and how does it contribute to your yoga practice and teaching?

The Dana yoga studio is a true oasis; one wouldn’t believe such a place could exist in such a bustling city. Upon entering, you can breathe an incredible peace, and it has everything necessary for the practice of yoga and meditation. What makes Dana even more special is its philosophy. There’s no fixed price for classes; people who attend and enjoy the activities contribute according to their possibilities. All activities are associated with personal development, well-being, and self-knowledge.

The name "Dana" means generosity, and the room truly embodies this virtue. In yoga, there’s much talk about samskaras, which are the impressions our actions leave on us. Here, we work on developing virtues that generate good samskaras, promoting actions that uplift us. This comprehensive approach aligns with my understanding of yoga, which seeks physical, mental, and spiritual development, helping us become more aware and achieve our union with higher energy and the universe.


Finally, what message would you like to convey to people interested in physical and emotional well-being? 

I would like to invite everyone to try a yoga class and experience for themselves the profound benefits it can offer. Yoga is a transformative practice that brings comprehensive well-being, encompassing not only the physical aspect but also the mental and emotional. It doesn’t matter where you practice it; what’s important is giving yourself the opportunity to discover all that yoga has to offer.

Each session is an open door to self-awareness, balance, and inner peace. Through yoga, we can learn to connect with our inner self, improve our health, and find a sense of harmony in our lives. Whether in a yoga room, at home, or outdoors, yoga can be a powerful tool for personal transformation and comprehensive well-being.



Laura has taken us on a deep and transformative journey through yoga. With her authenticity and dedication, she has shown us how yoga can be an inexhaustible source of energy, peace, and holistic well-being. Her holistic approach, encompassing the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual, invites everyone, regardless of age or physical condition, to discover their true inner potential.

Through her teachings, Laura inspires us to live more consciously and fully, revealing that we are more energy than matter. Her commitment to inclusive yoga and her work at the Dana yoga studio demonstrate her dedication to making yoga an accessible and transformative practice for all.

Thank you, Laura @yogaimpacto, for your inspiration and generosity, and thanks to the Dana yoga studio for providing such a wonderful space for yoga practice.