The Meditation of Movement: An Interview with Paz Plou


In times of change and the search for purpose, Paz Plou emerges as an inspiring figure who has managed to turn her passion into her profession. Her story is a testament to courage and the transformative power of movement.

In this interview, Paz takes us on a fascinating journey from the corporate world to becoming a yoga teacher and instructor of disciplines such as Ballet Fit® and Barre. She reveals how movement has not only offered her peace and healing but also a way to find her true self.

Through her words, she invites us to reflect on the importance of following our instincts, facing challenges with courage, and seeking happiness at every step of the way. Her teachings on self-care, meditation, and connection with oneself offer an inspiring vision of how dance and yoga can be powerful tools for personal growth and healing.


Interview with Paz Plou @pazfisica by David A.




Paz, I’d like to start by asking about your transition from the HR field to yoga and dance. What advice would you give to those seeking a similar change?

Of course, I studied pedagogy and worked for several years in a school. Then I did a master’s in human resources because I am passionate about people management and worked for over ten years in a consultancy. However, the pandemic was a turning point for me. I decided to train in something that had always been an important part of my life: dance and sports.

It was a difficult moment because it meant starting from scratch, but I listened to my heart and took the plunge. Seeking that happiness, even though the path is complicated, is always worth it. I felt I had something unfinished and decided to follow my instinct.

For those looking for a change, my advice is to trust yourselves and not let fear paralyze you. Fear should be transformative, not paralyzing. If you’re not satisfied with your job or daily life, ask yourself why. Dare yourself; you only live once. Take advantage and take the leap.

Fear should be transformative, not paralyzing

 Paz Plou is an ambassador for oléyoga. Get your 15% discount with the code: "PAZFISICA"



What inspired you to combine teachings such as yoga, dance, and fitness?  

Since I was little, I’ve always had a great passion for teaching. I love helping people and sharing my knowledge; teaching fills me a lot. Also, I’ve always had a natural inclination toward sports and movement. I wanted to find a way to combine my love for teaching with physical well-being.

What inspired me to combine teachings like yoga, dance, and fitness wasn’t a specific event but an internal need. I felt an inner voice telling me I had to do something different. If you want to change your life, change it. Age is not an obstacle to changing direction.


What have been the biggest challenges you’ve experienced in this transition?

I’ve faced many challenges in this process. It’s not easy. There are many inconveniences, but when you look back, you realize how brave you’ve been. Each step you take gives you more confidence and courage to keep going.

Additionally, it’s crucial to surround yourself with people who add to your life. Those who don’t, it’s better to keep them away. It’s essential to be surrounded by people who support you, celebrate your achievements, encourage you during tough times, and rejoice in the good ones.


Follow Paz at @pazfisica


How have physical exercise, sports, and especially yoga shaped your life philosophy and spiritual development?

Mainly, yoga is the practice that has had the most impact on my life philosophy and spiritual development. Unlike other forms of exercise more focused on fitness or sports themselves, yoga has offered me an internal transformation. I am naturally a nervous person, and yoga practice has given me a calm I didn’t know before. It has taught me to listen to myself, to learn to stop, and to see life from a different perspective, finding moments to return to the present.

In physical terms, more intense exercises and sports have also been essential for me. Moving, whether through dance, yoga, or any other physical activity, is vital for my well-being. Movement offers me peace, helps me find myself, and heal.

Movement offers me peace, helps me find myself, and heal


Could you share a revealing experience in your yoga or dance journey that had a lasting impact on you?

Yes, of course. A revealing experience for me occurred during my pregnancy when I started practicing prenatal yoga. At first, I couldn’t stay in Savasana for more than five minutes. It was a challenge. However, as I continued practicing, I began to discover the facets of yoga that go beyond physical postures. I started listening to my mind during Savasana and trying to sit with myself after each practice, dedicating a few minutes to meditation.

This process taught me to give my mind what it needed, not what it wanted. Dedicating myself to meditation during Savasana was a turning point for me. I realized how much I could learn just by sitting with myself, and from there, I began to delve deeper into meditation as a way to find calm.  

I discovered facets of yoga that go beyond physical postures

Join Paz’s classes at @pazfisica


What benefits have you observed in your body and mind by integrating yoga practice?  

As for benefits, learning to breathe properly has been a revelation. Conscious breathing has had a huge impact on my life, changing the way I handle stress and anxiety. Controlling your breath is fundamental, as it’s what moves us and gives us life. Learning to control my breath has allowed me to change my mind and, consequently, my life.

With yoga practice and meditation, I have learned to breathe better and find calm in my daily life. These changes have had a lasting impact on my physical and mental well-being, and I continue to learn every day on this path.

Learning to breathe properly has been a revelation


What advice would you give to people who haven’t considered meditation or perhaps don’t know how to pay more attention to their breathing?

My advice is to start simple and gradually. Begin by sitting in silence, even if it’s just for a minute a day, and gradually increase to two minutes, three minutes, and so on. It’s normal to feel uncomfortable at first. When you feel that discomfort, observe it and ask yourself why you feel that way.

The important thing is to persist. It’s essential to want to do it, to have the will. My recommendation is to try it for at least a month. Allow your body and mind to adapt to this new practice. If after that time you still don’t feel comfortable, it’s okay to stop. But at least give it a chance. Meditation and attention to breathing can help transform your life in ways you might not imagine.

Meditation and attention to breathing can transform your life 

 Paz Plou is an ambassador for oléyoga. Get your 15% discount with the code: "PAZFISICA"


What inspired you to fuse ballet with fitness to train in a discipline like Ballet Fit® and barre?

When I decided to change my direction and train in yoga, I began exploring different disciplines. I discovered Ballet Fit®, which is a discipline based on ballet exercises taken to a more fitness side, and also barre, which fuses elements of ballet, yoga, and Pilates. Since I had a background in ballet and other forms of dance, it seemed like the perfect combination of my two passions: dance and fitness.

For several years, I did a lot of aerobics and step. Now in Madrid, there are almost no classes in these fitness disciplines that I miss so much. I remember those were wonderful times of going to conventions and enjoying a lot. I have always loved dancing, and I firmly believe in its therapeutic power. Dancing is therapy for the body and soul; it releases tension and brings immense joy.

I recommend everyone to dance, whether at home, in bars, or wherever, without fear or worries. Dancing as if no one is watching is incredibly liberating and healing.

Combining dance with fitness was a perfect match for me. I saw the enormous benefits these disciplines bring physically: strength, flexibility, and a complete workout. I decided to train in these disciplines, and it has been a wonderful way to combine my passions and share their benefits with others.

Dancing is therapy for the body and soul


How do your emotions and personal experiences influence your practice of yoga, dance, and functional training? How do these disciplines help you express yourself?

For me, yoga and dance are forms of escape and healing. Moving is essential for my well-being. Dance, yoga, and any kind of exercise have an incredible healing power. They are like vitamins for the soul and body. They help me balance my mind, release tension, and find peace.

Dance, especially, gives me immense happiness. It’s a feeling that’s hard to explain, but it’s very real and powerful. These practices not only allow me to express my emotions but also to transform any negative emotion into positive and vital energy.

I also do functional training to work on strength and cardio, two or three times a week, and it’s my “sacred” moment. It empowers me and helps me be stronger inside and out.


Discover Paz’s retreats at @pazfisica


Earlier we talked about meditation. How do you think we can be more present and connected in our daily lives?

Being present and connected in our daily lives is like training the mind, similar to how we train the body. An important first step is reconnecting with nature. If you live in the city, try to escape to a natural environment from time to time, like the mountains or the beach. Nature surrounds and sustains us, but we often take it for granted.


What else can we do to find moments of connection and presence in our daily lives?

It’s essential to find moments to stop and marvel at the simple things in life. For example, watching a bird fly may seem like a small thing, but it’s a wonder.

Being grateful for our existence and the small details life offers us is crucial. We live in a world full of noise and stress, and those moments of pause and reflection can help us stay present.

Having children has also taught me a lot about this topic. Children are amazed by things like rain, the sea, or the sand, and that reminds us of how we should see the world: with wonder and amazement. Learning to marvel at the simple things in life helps us stay more connected and present.

Learning to marvel at the simple things in life helps us stay more connected and present.


Can you mention some of the people who have most inspired and guided you in your journey? How have their teachings and examples impacted your professional and personal approach?

I believe we are all the result of our experiences and the education we’ve received, especially from our family. My family has been fundamental in my development. My mother, although we’ve had our differences, has been a great source of inspiration. She’s a tireless fighter, and from her, I’ve learned the importance of being consistent and patient to achieve what you want.

On a formative level, one of the people who has most influenced me is Montse Cob, my first yoga teacher. She taught me a lot about stillness and calm. I remember that by the end of my training, I had learned much more than just how to do postures. I learned to concentrate and be present, which was wonderful.


Follow Paz at @pazfisica


How would you like people to feel after attending one of your yoga classes and retreats?

I aspire for each participant to leave with a beautiful memory of having moved their body and worked their mind. I want them to experience the satisfaction of having given themselves that time and to leave with a sense of well-being, both physical and mental.

I want them to find moments to dedicate to themselves, disconnect from daily stress, and connect with other people. My goal is for them to feel inspired and motivated to continue taking care of themselves and exploring their personal path.


What key lessons and messages do you want to convey to your students?

My main goal is for people to feel good, both physically and mentally. If I can help someone feel better in these aspects, I feel fulfilled. I want to motivate people to move, to practice sports, and to take care of themselves. It’s crucial for everyone to find their own path of self-care, whether through yoga, sports, or other practices.

It’s essential for people to learn to nourish themselves both mentally and physically. My message is clear: love yourself and dedicate time to self-care.

Love yourself and dedicate time to self-care


How would you like your legacy to impact future generations of practitioners of these disciplines?

I would like my legacy to inspire my students to find balance in their lives. I encourage them to enjoy each moment and fight for their dreams, no matter how utopian they may seem. It’s essential to know yourself and allow yourself to feel all emotions, even the negative ones.

My classes and retreats are spaces to share, grow, and live in community. I want my students to take away the experience of having been part of a group where they can share experiences and support each other. Whether in a yoga class or any other setting, it’s fundamental to create these spaces of connection and support.




Paz has taken us on an inspiring journey, demonstrating the transformative power of movement. Through her practice and teachings, Paz invites us to reflect on the importance of facing challenges with courage, surrounding ourselves with people who add value to our lives, and connecting with the essence of nature to find happiness at every step of the way.

Her courage in leaving the corporate world and following her passion for dance and yoga reminds us of the importance of listening to our hearts and pursuing our dreams.

Thank you, Paz Plou @pazfisica, for sharing your inspiring journey and showing us how dance and yoga can be essential tools for personal growth and healing.